Records of Early English Drama: Civic London 1558-1642

Whifflers, boy players and drummers: project team presents findings

On 13th January 2021 project PI Tracey Hill and postdoctoral research assistant Charlie Berry gave a paper to the Institute of Historical Research’s Centre for People, Place and Community seminar. Tracey and Charlie introduced the methods and scope of the Civic London 1558-1642 project and presented some of our most exciting findings so far. TheContinue reading “Whifflers, boy players and drummers: project team presents findings”


Whifflers were ubiquitous in early modern pageantry. The OED defines a whiffler as ‘one of a body of attendants armed with a javelin, battle-axe, sword, or staff … employed to keep the way clear for a procession or at some public spectacle’. For London events, the livery companies appointed a number of whifflers (generally fourContinue reading “STAND CLEAR FOR THE WHIFFLERS!”

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